— 玻璃苣 —



有一种搭讪叫做“Afghanistan or Iraq?” 
有一种心动叫做“that was amazing” 
有一种追随叫做“oh god yes” 
有一种辩白叫做“I’m not his date” 
有一种任性叫做“come at once if convenient, if inconvenient,come anyway” 
有一种宠溺叫做“because you are an idiot” 
有一种卖萌叫做“Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine” 
有一种毒舌叫做“I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend” 
有一种告白叫做“I don’t have friends ,I’v just got one” 
有一种决绝叫做“sherlock run!” 
有一种无奈叫做“people might talk” 
有一种默契叫做“Vatican Cameos!” 
有一种逃亡叫做“take my hand” 
有一种倔强叫做“alone protect me ” 
有一种谎言叫做“I’m a fake” 
有一种信任叫做“you could” 
有一种不舍叫做“Goodbye John” 
有一种恳求叫做“just one more thing ,one more miracle ,sherlock ,for me ,don’t be dead” 
有一种天才叫做“Sherlock Holmes” 
有一种英雄叫做“John Hamish Watson”
有一种搭讪叫做“Afghanistan or Iraq?” 
有一种心动叫做“that was amazing” 
有一种追随叫做“oh god yes” 
有一种辩白叫做“I’m not his date” 
有一种任性叫做“come at once if convenient, if inconvenient,come anyway” 
有一种宠溺叫做“because you are an idiot” 
有一种卖萌叫做“Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine” 
有一种毒舌叫做“I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend” 
有一种告白叫做“I don’t have friends ,I’v just got one” 
有一种决绝叫做“sherlock run!” 
有一种无奈叫做“people might talk” 
有一种默契叫做“Vatican Cameos!” 
有一种逃亡叫做“take my hand” 
有一种倔强叫做“alone protect me ” 
有一种谎言叫做“I’m a fake” 
有一种信任叫做“you could” 
有一种不舍叫做“Goodbye John” 
有一种恳求叫做“just one more thing ,one more miracle ,sherlock ,for me ,don’t be dead” 
有一种天才叫做“Sherlock Holmes” 
有一种英雄叫做“John Hamish Watson”
有一种苦逼叫 you lower the IQ of whole streets。。
有一种挑衅叫 any good?
有一种善良叫I'm not your housekeeper
有一种确定叫yes you are.
有一种不想说叫做My best friend, Sherlock Holmes is dead.
有一种跳楼的心叫做Goodbye, John.
有一种隔着张纸的爱情叫做He's my friend.
有一种懦弱叫做I can't go back to the flat again, not at the moment.
有一种颤抖叫做You...you told me once...
有一种信任叫做no one will ever convince me that you told me a lie。
有一种孤独叫做I was so alone.
有一种绝望的希望叫做Just stop it.
有一种缘分的开始叫做Er, here...use mine.
有一种相视的微笑叫做And I said "Dangerous", and here you are.
有一种最后叫做Stop this.
有一种建议叫做“as far as possible..try not to punch him.”
有一种关心叫做“You wearing any pants”
有一种无奈叫做“Just once, can you two behave like grown-ups?”
有一种疑惑叫做“You look taller in your photographs. ”
有一种解答叫做“I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend. ”
有一种愤怒叫做“Get off my sheet! ”
有一种威胁叫做“Or I'll just walk away. ”
有一种此地无银三百两叫做“Sex doesn't alarm me. ”
有一种欠揍叫做“Punch me in the face.Yes, punch me, in the face. Didn't you hear me? ”
有一种愤怒叫做“You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people. ”
有一种解释叫做“I had bad days!”
有一种第三者叫做“Hmm, and somebody loves you. If I had to punch that face, I'd avoid your nose and teeth, too. ”
有一种默契叫做“Vatican cameos!”
有一种赌气叫做“Why would I need you? ”
有一种深意叫做“But what was that noise? It's a text alert, means I've got a text. ”
有一种无语叫做“Fifty seven of those texts, the ones I've heard. ”
有一种惊讶叫做“Who is she? How did Sherlock recognise her from... not her face? ”
有一种感慨叫做“We're in a morgue. There's only so much damage you can do. ”
有一种安慰叫做“All lives end, all hearts are broken. ”
有一种担心叫做“Did he take the cigarette? ”
有一种分手叫做“Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man. You'll do anything for him. ”
有一种歇斯底里叫做“Don't make me compete with Sherlock Holmes! ”
有一种第三者出局叫做“We're not a couple. Yes, you are. ”
有一种耳旁风叫做“If anyone out there still cares, I'm not actually gay. ”
有一种借口叫做“I am restoring balance to the universe. ”
有一种报仇叫做“And exactly how many times did he fall out the window? ”
有一种秀恩爱叫做“Please don't feel obliged to tell me that was amazing, John's expressed that in every possible variant available in English language. ”
有一种挫败叫做“We've lost everything. One fragment of one email, and months and years of planning - finished. ”
有一种后悔叫做“I drove you into her path. I'm sorry, I didn't know. ”
有一种挑衅叫做“Do you know what he calls you? The Ice Man… and the Virgin. ”
有一种绝情叫做“I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage. Thank you for the final proof. ”
有一种童年叫做“He elects to be a detective. But, initially, he wanted to be a pirate. ”
有一种希望叫做“when i say run... Run”
有一种信仰叫I Believe In Sherlock Holmes
有一种官方卖腐叫做“you jealous?”
有一种自欺欺人叫“Actually,I'm not gay”



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